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The Klein-Beltrami model of hyperbolic geometry consists of an open disk in the Euclidean plane whose open chords correspond to hyperbolic lines. Two lines l and m are then ...
The partial differential equation 1/(c^2)(partial^2psi)/(partialt^2)=(partial^2psi)/(partialx^2)-mu^2psi (1) that arises in mathematical physics. The quasilinear Klein-Gordon ...
A finitely generated discontinuous group of linear fractional transformations z->(az+b)/(cz+d) acting on a domain in the complex plane. The Apollonian gasket corresponds to a ...
Let R^3 be the space in which a knot K sits. Then the space "around" the knot, i.e., everything but the knot itself, is denoted R^3-K and is called the knot complement of K ...
Given a knot diagram, it is possible to construct a collection of variables and equations, and given such a collection, a group naturally arises that is known as the group of ...
Knuth's series is given by S = sum_(k=1)^(infty)((k^k)/(k!e^k)-1/(sqrt(2pik))) (1) = -2/3-1/(sqrt(2pi))zeta(1/2) (2) = -0.08406950872765599646... (3) (OEIS A096616), where ...
A fractal derived from the Koch snowflake. The base curve and motif for the fractal are illustrated below. The area enclosed by pieces of the curve after the nth iteration is ...
The function f_theta(z)=z/((1+e^(itheta)z)^2) (1) defined on the unit disk |z|<1. For theta in [0,2pi), the Köbe function is a schlicht function f(z)=z+sum_(j=2)^inftya_jz^j ...
If f is a schlicht function and D(z_0,r) is the open disk of radius r centered at z_0, then f(D(0,1)) superset= D(0,1/4), where superset= denotes a (not necessarily proper) ...
For every ring containing p spheres, there exists a ring of q spheres, each touching each of the p spheres, where 1/p+1/q=1/2, (1) which can also be written (p-2)(q-2)=4. (2) ...
