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The previous prime function PP(n) gives the largest prime less than n. The function can be given explicitly as PP(n)=p_(pi(n-1)), where p_i is the ith prime and pi(n) is the ...
A prime factor is a factor that is prime, i.e., one that cannot itself be factored. In general, a prime factorization takes the form ...
A number n with prime factorization n=product_(i=1)^rp_i^(a_i) is called k-almost prime if it has a sum of exponents sum_(i=1)^(r)a_i=k, i.e., when the prime factor ...
A deletable prime is a prime number which has the property that deleting digits one at a time in some order gives a prime at each step. For example, 410256793 is a deletable ...
Let a prime number generated by Euler's prime-generating polynomial n^2+n+41 be known as an Euler prime. (Note that such primes are distinct from prime Euler numbers, which ...
A nonzero and noninvertible element a of a ring R which generates a prime ideal. It can also be characterized by the condition that whenever a divides a product in R, a ...
A prime circle of order 2n is a free circular permutation of the numbers from 1 to 2n with adjacent pairs summing to a prime. The number of prime circles for n=1, 2, ..., are ...
In the 1980s, Samuel Yates defined a titanic prime to be a prime number of at least 1000 decimal digits. The smallest titanic prime is 10^(999)+7. As of 1990, more than 1400 ...
Gaussian primes are Gaussian integers z=a+bi satisfying one of the following properties. 1. If both a and b are nonzero then, a+bi is a Gaussian prime iff a^2+b^2 is an ...
A symbol used to distinguish a third quantity x^('') ("x double prime") from two other related quantities x and x^' ("x prime). Double primes are most commonly used to denote ...
