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1501 - 1510 of 2098 for Prime FormulasSearch Results
A submodule that is not the entire module.
A function f defined on a subset S subset R^n is said to be pseudoconcave if -f is pseudoconvex.
A group of four elements, also called a quadruplet or tetrad.
A quintic curve is an algebraic curve of order five. Examples of quintic curves include the Burnside curve, butterfly catastrophe curve, and stirrup curve.
int_0^inftycos(2zt)sech(pit)dt=1/2sechz for |I[z]|<pi/2. A related integral is int_0^inftycosh(2zt)sech(pit)dt=1/2secz for |R[z]|<pi/2.
The fractal-like figure obtained by performing the same iteration as for the Mandelbrot set, but adding a random component R, z_(n+1)=z_n^2+c+R. In the above plot, ...
Let V and W be vector spaces over a field F, and let T:V->W be a linear transformation. Assuming the dimension of V is finite, then dim(V)=dim(Ker(T))+dim(Im(T)), where ...
Given two distributions Y and X with joint probability density function f(x,y), let U=Y/X be the ratio distribution. Then the distribution function of u is D(u) = P(U<=u) (1) ...
The plane spanned by the tangent vector T and binormal vector B.
The reflexive closure of a binary relation R on a set X is the minimal reflexive relation R^' on X that contains R. Thus aR^'a for every element a of X and aR^'b for distinct ...
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