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There exist a variety of formulas for either producing the nth prime as a function of n or taking on only prime values. However, all such formulas require either extremely ...
A symbol used to distinguish one quantity x^' ("x prime") from another related x. Prime marks are most commonly used to denote 1. Transformed coordinates, 2. Conjugate ...
There are many formulas of pi of many types. Among others, these include series, products, geometric constructions, limits, special values, and pi iterations. pi is ...
Formulas obtained from differentiating Newton's forward difference formula, where R_n^'=h^nf^((n+1))(xi)d/(dp)(p; n+1)+h^(n+1)(p; n+1)d/(dx)f^((n+1))(xi), (n; k) is a ...
Kummer's first formula is (1) where _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is the hypergeometric function with m!=-1/2, -1, -3/2, ..., and Gamma(z) is the gamma function. The identity can be written ...
For n a positive integer, expressions of the form sin(nx), cos(nx), and tan(nx) can be expressed in terms of sinx and cosx only using the Euler formula and binomial theorem. ...
A number n with prime factorization n=product_(i=1)^rp_i^(a_i) is called k-almost prime if it has a sum of exponents sum_(i=1)^(r)a_i=k, i.e., when the prime factor ...
Any prime number other than 2 (which is the unique even prime). Humorously, 2 is therefore the "oddest" prime.
A prime constellation, also called a prime k-tuple, prime k-tuplet, or prime cluster, is a sequence of k consecutive numbers such that the difference between the first and ...
The prime number theorem gives an asymptotic form for the prime counting function pi(n), which counts the number of primes less than some integer n. Legendre (1808) suggested ...