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7681 - 7690 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
A roll of two 1s (the lowest roll possible) on a pair of six-sided dice. The probability of rolling snake eyes is 1/36, or 2.777...%.
The geometry of the Lie group R semidirect product with R^2, where R acts on R^2 by (t,(x,y))->(e^tx,e^(-t)y).
Let X and Y be topological spaces. Then their join is the factor space X*Y=(X×Y×I)/∼, (1) where ∼ is the equivalence relation (x,y,t)∼(x^',y^',t^')<=>{t=t^'=0 and x=x^'; or ; ...
F(x) = -Li_2(-x) (1) = int_0^x(ln(1+t))/tdt, (2) where Li_2(x) is the dilogarithm.
A spigot algorithm is an algorithm which generates digits of a quantity one at a time without using or requiring previously computed digits. Amazingly, spigot algorithms are ...
Two vector bundles are stably equivalent iff isomorphic vector bundles are obtained upon Whitney summing each vector bundle with a trivial vector bundle.
A stack F on a topological space X is said to be a stack of groupoids if for each open subset U subset= X, the category F(U) is a groupoid.
The smallest statistical rank (either up or down) of a set of data.
The m+1 ellipsoidal harmonics when kappa_1, kappa_2, and kappa_3 are given can be arranged in such a way that the rth function has r-1 zeros between -a^2 and -b^2 and the ...
Let P(L) be the set of all prime ideals of L, and define r(a)={P|a not in P}. Then the Stone space of L is the topological space defined on P(L) by postulating that the sets ...
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