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711 - 720 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
A set in R^d is concave if it does not contain all the line segments connecting any pair of its points. If the set does contain all the line segments, it is called convex.
Two or more lines which intersect in a point are said to concur.
A zonotope is a set of points in d-dimensional space constructed from vectors v_i by taking the sum of a_iv_i, where each a_i is a scalar between 0 and 1. Different choices ...
The slope-intercept form of a line in the Cartesian plane is given by y=mx+b, where b is the y-intercept and m is the slope.
The catacaustic of the Tschirnhausen cubic with parametric representation x = 3(t^2-3) (1) y = t(t^2-3) (2) with radiant point at (-8,0) is the semicubical parabola with ...
While the Catalan numbers are the number of p-good paths from (n,n) to (0,0) which do not cross the diagonal line, the super Catalan numbers count the number of lattice paths ...
The Cartesian graph product G=G_1 square G_2, also called the graph box product and sometimes simply known as "the" graph product (Beineke and Wilson 2004, p. 104) and ...
A snake is an Eulerian path in the d-hypercube that has no chords (i.e., any hypercube edge joining snake vertices is a snake edge). Klee (1970) asked for the maximum length ...
Ball triangle picking is the selection of triples of points (corresponding to vertices of a general triangle) randomly placed inside a ball. n random triangles can be picked ...
For the parametric representation x = (2t^2)/(1+t^2) (1) y = (2t^3)/(1+t^2), (2) the catacaustic of this curve from the radiant point (8a,0) is given by x = ...
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