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6381 - 6390 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

Let B dollars be borrowed at an interest rate of i per month, where i is the annual rate divided by 12, and assume the mortgage needs to be paid back in n months. Then the ...
The symbol ÷ used to indicate division. In typography, an obelus has a more general definition as any symbol, such as the dagger (|), used to indicate a footnote (Bringhurst ...
An algebraic surface of degree eight. The maximum number of ordinary double points known to exist on an octic surface is 168 (the Endraß octics), although the rigorous upper ...
Let A be a set. An operation on A is a function from a power of A into A. More precisely, given an ordinal number alpha, a function from A^alpha into A is an alpha-ary ...
The use of permil (a.k.a. parts per thousand) is a way of expressing ratios in terms of whole numbers. Given a ratio or fraction, it is converted to a permil-age by ...
A square matrix A such that the matrix power A^(k+1)=A for k a positive integer is called a periodic matrix. If k is the least such integer, then the matrix is said to have ...
A nonsimply connected 3-manifold, also called a dodecahedral space.
The curve with trilinear coordinates a^t:b^t:c^t for a given power t.
The ratio of the absolute frequency to the total number of data points in a frequency distribution.
The symbol ; given special meanings in several mathematics contexts, the most common of which is the covariant derivative.
