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6341 - 6350 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
An angle bracket is the combination of a bra and ket (bra+ket = bracket) which represents the inner product of two functions or vectors (or 1-forms), <f|g>=intf(x)g^|(x)dx in ...
A differential equation or system of ordinary differential equations is said to be autonomous if it does not explicitly contain the independent variable (usually denoted t). ...
Axiomatic set theory is a version of set theory in which axioms are taken as uninterpreted rather than as formalizations of pre-existing truths.
A generalization of the Bulirsch-Stoer algorithm for solving ordinary differential equations.
The symbol ^ which is used to denote partial conjunction in symbolic logic. It also appears in several other contexts in mathematics and is sometimes called a "wedge". In ...
A closed interval is an interval that includes all of its limit points. If the endpoints of the interval are finite numbers a and b, then the interval {x:a<=x<=b} is denoted ...
Complex infinity is an infinite number in the complex plane whose complex argument is unknown or undefined. Complex infinity may be returned by the Wolfram Language, where it ...
Connectivity properties obey the following hierarchy: convex => star convex => pathwise-connected => connected.
The period of time between interest payments.
A number puzzle in which a group of arithmetical operations has some or all of its digits replaced by letters or symbols, and where the original digits must be found. In such ...
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