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There are (at least) two mathematical objects known as Weierstrass forms. The first is a general form into which an elliptic curve over any field K can be transformed, given ...
The term limit comes about relative to a number of topics from several different branches of mathematics. A sequence x_1,x_2,... of elements in a topological space X is said ...
The word "number" is a general term which refers to a member of a given (possibly ordered) set. The meaning of "number" is often clear from context (i.e., does it refer to a ...
There exist infinitely many odd integers k such that k·2^n-1 is composite for every n>=1. Numbers k with this property are called Riesel numbers, while analogous numbers with ...
A spanning tree of a graph on n vertices is a subset of n-1 edges that form a tree (Skiena 1990, p. 227). For example, the spanning trees of the cycle graph C_4, diamond ...
The residue classes of a function f(x) mod n are all possible values of the residue f(x) (mod n). For example, the residue classes of x^2 (mod 6) are {0,1,3,4}, since 0^2=0 ...
The A graph is the graph on 6 vertices illustrated above. Unfortunately, at least one author (Farrugia 1999, p. 2) uses the term "A-graph" to refer to the 5-node bull graph. ...
An empty graph on n nodes consists of n isolated nodes with no edges. Such graphs are sometimes also called edgeless graphs or null graphs (though the term "null graph" is ...
An (n,k)-firecracker is a graph obtained by the concatenation of n k-stars by linking one leaf from each (Chen et al. 1997, Gallian 2007). Firecracker graphs are graceful ...
The truncated great dodecahedral graph is the skeleton of the small stellated truncated dodecahedron and truncated great dodecahedron. It is illustrated above in a number of ...
