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5611 - 5620 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

Li and Yorke (1975) proved that any one-dimensional system which exhibits a regular cycle of period three will also display regular cycles of every other length as well as ...
The permutohedron is the n-dimensional generalization of the hexagon. The n-permutohedron is the convex hull of all permutations of the vector (x_1,x_2,...,x_(n+1)) in ...
The "perp dot product" a^_|_·b for a and b vectors in the plane is a modification of the two-dimensional dot product in which a is replaced by the perpendicular vector ...
D_P(x)=lim_(epsilon->0)(lnmu(B_epsilon(x)))/(lnepsilon), where B_epsilon(x) is an n-dimensional ball of radius epsilon centered at x and mu is the probability measure.
A collineation which transforms every one-dimensional form projectively. Any collineation which transforms one range into a projectively related range is a projective ...
The two-dimensional space consisting of the set of triples {(a,b,c):a,b,c in K, not all zero}, where triples which are scalar multiples of each other are identified.
A three-dimensional coordinate system in which the axes satisfy the right-hand rule.
The Schwarzian derivative is defined by D_(Schwarzian)=(f^(''')(x))/(f^'(x))-3/2[(f^('')(x))/(f^'(x))]^2. The Feigenbaum constant is universal for one-dimensional maps if its ...
An algebra with no nontrivial nilpotent ideals. In the 1890s, Cartan, Frobenius, and Molien independently proved that any finite-dimensional semisimple algebra over the real ...
A shuffle-exchange graph is a nonsimple graph (due to the existence of graph loops) whose vertices are length n binary strings with an edge from w to w^' if 1. w^' differs ...
