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5241 - 5250 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

The Diophantine equation x^2+k=y^3, which is also an elliptic curve. The general equation is still the focus of ongoing study.
A Mandelbrot set-like fractal obtained by iterating the map z_(n+1)=z_n^3+(z_0-1)z_n-z_0.
Erdős proved that there exist at least one prime of the form 4k+1 and at least one prime of the form 4k+3 between n and 2n for all n>6.
It is possible to place 7 cigarettes in such a way that each touches every other if l/d>7sqrt(3)/2 (Gardner 1959, p. 115).
Inside a ball B in R^3, {rectifiable currents S in BL area S<=c, length partialS<=c} is compact under the flat norm.
Let K subset V subset S^3 be a knot that is geometrically essential in a standard embedding of the solid torus V in the three-sphere S^3. Let K_1 subset S^3 be another knot ...
If there is an integer x such that x^3=q (mod p), then q is said to be a cubic residue (mod p). If not, q is said to be a cubic nonresidue (mod p).
A simple graph with n>=3 graph vertices in which each graph vertex has vertex degree >=n/2 has a Hamiltonian cycle.
The partial differential equation w_t-6(w+epsilon^2w^2)w_x+w_(xxx)=0, which can also be rewritten (w)_t+(-3w^2-2epsilon^2w^3+w_(xx))_x=0.
The smallest nontrivial taxicab number, i.e., the smallest number representable in two ways as a sum of two cubes. It is given by 1729=1^3+12^3=9^3+10^3. The number derives ...
