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3151 - 3160 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
A homographic transformation x_1 = (ax+by+c)/(a^('')x+b^('')y+c^('')) (1) y_1 = (a^'x+b^'y+c^')/(a^('')x+b^('')y+c^('')) (2) with t_1 substituted for t according to ...
Let A and B be two classes of positive integers. Let A(n) be the number of integers in A which are less than or equal to n, and let B(n) be the number of integers in B which ...
The base-26 number system composed of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and the letters A-P.
A permutation group (G,X) is k-homogeneous if it is transitive on unordered k-subsets of X. The projective special linear group PSL(2,q) is 3-homogeneous if q=3 (mod 4).
An involutive algebra is an algebra A together with a map a|->a^* of A into A (a so-called involution), satisfying the following properties: 1. (a^*)^*=a. 2. (ab)^*=b^*a^*. ...
The knot curve is a quartic curve with implicit Cartesian equation (x^2-1)^2=y^2(3+2y). (1) The x- and y-intercepts are (0,-1), (0,1/2), and (+/-1,0). It has horizontal ...
The system of ordinary differential equations X^. = sigma(Y-X) (1) Y^. = rX-Y-XZ (2) Z^. = XY-bZ. (3)
A surface given by the parametric equations x(u,v) = u (1) y(u,v) = v (2) z(u,v) = au^4+u^2v-v^2. (3)
(b-c)/a = (sin[1/2(B-C)])/(cos(1/2A)) (1) (c-a)/b = (sin[1/2(C-A)])/(cos(1/2B)) (2) (a-b)/c = (sin[1/2(A-B)])/(cos(1/2C)). (3)
For all x, y, a in an alternative algebra A, (xax)y = x[a(xy)] (1) y(xax) = [(yx)a]x (2) (xy)(ax) = x(ya)x (3) (Schafer 1996, p. 28).
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