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2541 - 2550 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

The Held group is the sporadic group He of order |He| = 4030387200 (1) = 2^(10)·3^3·5^2·7^3·17. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as HeldGroupHe[].
The plane curve given by the equation axy = (a+x)(a-x)(2a-x) (1) = x^3-2ax^2-a^2x+2a^3, (2) which, solving for y, gives y=((a+x)(a-x)(2a-x))/(ax). (3) The plots above are for ...
11 21 3 41 4 7 81 5 11 15 161 6 16 26 31 32 (1) The number triangle illustrated above (OEIS A008949) composed of the partial sums of binomial coefficients, a_(nk) = ...
A number is said to be biquadratefree (or quarticfree) if its prime factorization contains no quadrupled factors. All primes and prime powers p^n with n<=3 are therefore ...
Cantor dust is a fractal that can be constructed using string rewriting beginning with a cell [0] and iterating the rules {0->[0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0],1->[1 0 1; 0 0 0; 1 0 1]}. ...
A centered polygonal number consisting of a central dot with four dots around it, and then additional dots in the gaps between adjacent dots. The general term is n^2+(n+1)^2, ...
The number 2^(1/3)=RadicalBox[2, 3] (the cube root of 2) which is to be constructed in the cube duplication problem. This number is not a Euclidean number although it is an ...
The operator representing the computation of a derivative, D^~=d/(dx), (1) sometimes also called the Newton-Leibniz operator. The second derivative is then denoted D^~^2, the ...
The "imaginary error function" erfi(z) is an entire function defined by erfi(z)=-ierf(iz), (1) where erf(z) is the erf function. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Jackson-Slater identity is the q-series identity of Rogers-Ramanujan-type given by sum_(k=0)^(infty)(q^(2k^2))/((q)_(2k)) = ...
