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2141 - 2150 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
The exponential factorial is defined by the recurrence relation a_n=n^(a_(n-1)), (1) where a_0=1. The first few terms are therefore a_1 = 1 (2) a_2 = 2^1=2 (3) a_3 = ...
The silver constant is the algebraic number given by S = (x^3-5x^2+6x-1)_3 (1) = 2+2cos(2/7pi) (2) = 3.246979603... (3) (OEIS A116425), where (P(x))_n denotes a polynomial ...
The Goh-Schmutz constant is defined by the integrals C = int_0^infty(ln(1+t))/(e^t-1)dt (1) = int_0^inftyln[1-ln(1-e^(-t))]dt (2) = ...
A riffle shuffle, in which the top half of the deck is placed in the left hand, and cards are then alternatively interleaved from the left and right hands. Using an ...
A positive integer n is a veryprime iff all primes p<=sqrt(n) satisfy {|2[n (mod p)]-p|<=1 very strong; |2[n (mod p)]-p|<=sqrt(p) strong; |2[n (mod p)]-p|<=p/2 weak. (1) The ...
A linear transformation of period two. Since a linear transformation has the form, lambda^'=(alphalambda+beta)/(gammalambda+delta), (1) applying the transformation a second ...
The terms of equational logic are built up from variables and constants using function symbols (or operations). Identities (equalities) of the form s=t, (1) where s and t are ...
The von Staudt-Clausen theorem, sometimes also known as the Staudt-Clausen theorem (Carlitz 1968), states that B_(2n)=A_n-sum_(p_k; (p_k-1)|2n)1/(p_k), (1) where B_(2n) is a ...
There are several commonly used methods of defining the slippery, but extremely important, concept of a continuous function (which, depending on context, may also be called a ...
An n×n matrix whose rows are composed of cyclically shifted versions of a length-n list l. For example, the 4×4 circulant matrix on the list l={1,2,3,4} is given by C=[4 1 2 ...
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