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A set of positive integers S is called sum-free if the equation x+y=z has no solutions x, y, z in S. The probability that a random sum-free set S consists entirely of odd ...
Cauchy conditions are initial conditions (time conditions) rather than boundary conditions (space conditions). An initial-value problem is often termed a Cauchy problem. ...
A completely monotonic function is a function f(x) such that (-1)^(-n)f^((n))(x)>=0 for n=0, 1, 2, .... Such functions occur in areas such as probability theory (Feller ...
A completely multiplicative function, sometimes known as linear or totally multiplicative function, is an arithmetic function f(n) such that f(mn)=f(m)f(n) holds for each ...
A complex number may be taken to the power of another complex number. In particular, complex exponentiation satisfies (a+bi)^(c+di)=(a^2+b^2)^((c+id)/2)e^(i(c+id)arg(a+ib)), ...
Two complex numbers x=a+ib and y=c+id are multiplied as follows: xy = (a+ib)(c+id) (1) = ac+ibc+iad-bd (2) = (ac-bd)+i(ad+bc). (3) In component form, ...
The conditional intensity lambda(t) associated to a temporal point process N is defined to be the expected infinitesimal rate at which events are expected to occur around ...
A function, or the symbol representing a function, which corresponds to English conjunctions such as "and," "or," "not," etc. that takes one or more truth values as input and ...
A constant function is function f(x)=c whose value does not change as its parameters vary. The function graph of a one-dimensional constant function is a straight line. The ...
A general mathematical property obeyed by mathematical objects in which all elements are within a neighborhood of nearby points. The continuous maps between topological ...
