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Let f:R->R, then the negative part of f is the function f^-:R->R defined by f^-(x)=max(-f(x),0). Note that the negative part is itself a nonnegative function. The negative ...
The negative real axis is the portion of the real axis with x<0.
A composition of a function f degreesf with itself gives a nested function f(f(x)), f degreesf degreesf which gives f(f(f(x)), etc. Function nesting is implemented in the ...
A pile of counters in a game of nim. The nim-heap illustrated above corresponds to the game of Marienbad.
A positive value of n for which x-phi(x)=n has no solution, where phi(x) is the totient function. The first few are 10, 26, 34, 50, 52, ... (OEIS A005278).
A positive even value of n for which phi(x)=n, where phi(x) is the totient function, has no solution. The first few are 14, 26, 34, 38, 50, ... (OEIS A005277).
Two functions f(x) and g(x) are orthogonal over the interval a<=x<=b with weighting function w(x) if <f(x)|g(x)>=int_a^bf(x)g(x)w(x)dx=0. (1) If, in addition, ...
A pair of functions phi_i(x) and phi_j(x) are orthonormal if they are orthogonal and each normalized so that int_a^b[phi_i(x)]^2w(x)dx = 1 (1) int_a^b[phi_j(x)]^2w(x)dx = 1. ...
The variation of a function which exhibits slope changes, also called the saltus of a function. A series may also oscillate, causing it not to converge.
Let gamma be a path given parametrically by sigma(t). Let s denote arc length from the initial point. Then int_gammaf(s)ds = int_a^bf(sigma(t))|sigma^'(t)|dt (1) = ...
