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A function periodic with period 2pi such that p(theta+pi)=-p(theta) for all theta is said to be Möbius periodic.
A basis, form, function, etc., in two or more variables is said to be multilinear if it is linear in each variable separately.
A function f:A->B such that B is a set of numbers.
A function that exhibits oscillation (i.e., slope changes) is said to be oscillating, or sometimes oscillatory.
The Owen T-function is defined as T(x,a)=1/(2pi)int_0^a(e^(-x^2(1+t^2)/2))/(1+t^2)dt. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as OwenT[x, a]. A special value is given by ...
Functions which have derivatives of all orders at all points and which, together with their derivatives, fall off at least as rapidly as |x|^(-n) as |x|->infty, no matter how ...
A game for which each player has a different set of moves in any position. Every position in an impartial game has a nim-value.
The image of the path gamma in C under the function f is called the trace. This usage of the term "trace" is unrelated to the same term applied to matrices or tensors.
A point x_0 is said to be a periodic point of a function f of period n if f^n(x_0)=x_0, where f^0(x)=x and f^n(x) is defined recursively by f^n(x)=f(f^(n-1)(x)).
For s_1,s_2=+/-1, lim_(epsilon_1->0; epsilon_2->0)1/(x_1-is_1epsilon_1)1/(x_2-is_2epsilon_2) =[PV(1/(x_1))+ipis_1delta(x_1)][PV(1/(x_2))+ipis_2delta(x_2)] ...
