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201 - 210 of 371 for Permutation combinationsSearch Results
Given a group G, the algebra CG is a vector space CG={suma_ig_i|a_i in C,g_i in G} of finite sums of elements of G, with multiplication defined by g·h=gh, the group ...
The chi distribution with n degrees of freedom is the distribution followed by the square root of a chi-squared random variable. For n=1, the chi distribution is a ...
For three consecutive orders of an orthonormal polynomial, the following relationship holds for n=2, 3, ...: p_n(x)=(A_nx+B_n)p_(n-1)(x)-C_np_(n-2)(x), (1) where A_n>0, B_n, ...
Church proved several important theorems that now go by the name Church's theorem. One of Church's theorems states that there is no consistent decidable extension of Peano ...
The circular points at infinity, also called the isotropic points, are the pair of (complex) points on the line at infinity through which all circles pass. The circular ...
A notation used to describe curves. The fundamental principle of Clebsch-Aronhold notation states that if each of a number of forms be replaced by a power of a linear form in ...
The computational paradigm is a term introduced by Wolfram (2002, 2021) to describe the idea of using simple programs rather than mathematical equations (the latter of which ...
The automorphism group Co_1 of the Leech lattice modulo a center of order two is called "the" Conway group. There are 15 exceptional conjugacy classes of the Conway group. ...
A cross-handle is a topological structure which can be thought of as the object produced by puncturing a surface twice, attaching a zip around each puncture travelling in the ...
The cut elimination theorem, also called the "Hauptsatz" (Gentzen 1969), states that every sequent calculus derivation can be transformed into another derivation with the ...
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