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Let (a)_i be a sequence of complex numbers and let the lower triangular matrices F=(f)_(nk) and G=(g)_(nk) be defined as f_(nk)=(product_(j=k)^(n-1)(a_j+k))/((n-k)!) and ...
The axioms formulated by Hausdorff (1919) for his concept of a topological space. These axioms describe the properties satisfied by subsets of elements x in a neighborhood ...
The Heine-Borel theorem states that a subspace of R^n (with the usual topology) is compact iff it is closed and bounded. The Heine-Borel theorem can be proved using the ...
The 21 assumptions which underlie the geometry published in Hilbert's classic text Grundlagen der Geometrie. The eight incidence axioms concern collinearity and intersection ...
The Hodge conjecture asserts that, for particularly nice types of spaces called projective algebraic varieties, the pieces called Hodge cycles are actually rational linear ...
Define the "information function" to be I=-sum_(i=1)^NP_i(epsilon)ln[P_i(epsilon)], (1) where P_i(epsilon) is the natural measure, or probability that element i is populated, ...
A method which can be used to solve the initial value problem for certain classes of nonlinear partial differential equations. The method reduces the initial value problem to ...
An iterated map is a map that is applied repeatedly to an object. The Wolfram Language function NestList[f, expr, n] gives a list of the results of iterating the function f n ...
Since each triplet of Yff circles are congruent and pass through a single point, they obey Johnson's theorem. As a result, in each case, there is a fourth circle congruent to ...
Johnson's theorem states that if three equal circles mutually intersect one another in a single point, then the circle passing through their other three pairwise points of ...
