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241 - 250 of 13135 for Palindromic Number ConjectureSearch Results

The Pontryagin number is defined in terms of the Pontryagin class of a manifold as follows. For any collection of Pontryagin classes such that their cup product has the same ...
Let the stick number s(K) of a knot K be the least number of straight sticks needed to make a knot K. The smallest stick number of any knot is s(T)=6, where T is the trefoil ...
A Z-number is a real number xi such that 0<=frac[(3/2)^kxi]<1/2 for all k=1, 2, ..., where frac(x) is the fractional part of x. Mahler (1968) showed that there is at most one ...
An Achilles number is a positive integer that is powerful (in the sense that each prime factor occurs with exponent greater than one) but imperfect (in the sense that the ...
A number of the form p^a·A is said to be an antisquare if it fails to be a square number for the two reasons that a is odd and A is a nonsquare (modulo p). The first few ...
A natural number n>3 such that n|(a^(n-2)-a) whenever (a,n)=1 (a and n are relatively prime) and a<=n. (Here, n|m means that n divides m.) There are an infinite number of ...
Place 2n balls in a bag and number them 1 to 2n, then pick half of them at random. The number of different possible sums for n=1, 2, 3, ... are then 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ... ...
The disorder number of a simple connected graph on n vertices is defined as the maximum length of a walk along the edges of the graph taken over all ordering of its vertices ...
The least number of unknotted arcs lying above the plane in any projection. The knot 05-002 has bridge number 2. Such knots are called 2-bridge knots. There is a one-to-one ...
The rook numbers r_k^((m,n)) of an m×n board are the number of subsets of size k such that no two elements have the same first or second coordinate. In other word, it is the ...
