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1041 - 1050 of 13135 for Palindromic Number ConjectureSearch Results

A number n is called a barrier of a number-theoretic function f(m) if, for all m<n, m+f(m)<=n. Neither the totient function phi(n) nor the divisor function sigma(n) has a ...
For any algebraic number x of degree n>2, a rational approximation p/q to x must satisfy |x-p/q|>1/(q^n) for sufficiently large q. Writing r=n leads to the definition of the ...
Legion's number of the first kind is defined as L_1 = 666^(666) (1) = 27154..._()_(1871 digits)98016, (2) where 666 is the beast number. It has 1881 decimal digits. Legion's ...
The base-2 transcendental number 0.11011011111011011111..._2 (1) (OEIS A014578), where the nth bit is 1 if n is not divisible by 3 and is the complement of the (n/3)th bit if ...
The cototient of a positive number n is defined as n-phi(n), where n is the totient function. It is therefore the number of positive integers <=n that have at least one prime ...
A compositeness certificate is a piece of information which guarantees that a given number p is composite. Possible certificates consist of a factor of a number (which, in ...
The ratio of the independence number of a graph G to its vertex count is known as the independence ratio of G (Bollobás 1981). The product of the chromatic number and ...
The use of permil (a.k.a. parts per thousand) is a way of expressing ratios in terms of whole numbers. Given a ratio or fraction, it is converted to a permil-age by ...
The use of permil (a.k.a. parts per thousand) is a way of expressing ratios in terms of whole numbers. Given a ratio or fraction, it is converted to a permil-age by ...
A Pythagorean triangle is a right triangle with integer side lengths (i.e., whose side lengths (a,b,c) form a Pythagorean triple). A Pythagorean triangle with GCD(a,b,c)=1 is ...
