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471 - 480 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results

Let F be a differential field with constant field K. For f in F, suppose that the equation g^'=f (i.e., g=intf) has a solution g in G, where G is an elementary extension of F ...
A quadratic recurrence is a recurrence equation on a sequence of numbers {x_n} expressing x_n as a second-degree polynomial in x_k with k<n. For example, x_n=x_(n-1)x_(n-2) ...
The continued fraction for K is [2; 1, 2, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, ...] (OEIS A002211). A plot of the first 256 terms of the continued fraction represented as a sequence of binary ...
Let L denote the n×n triangular lattice with wraparound. Call an orientation of L an assignment of a direction to each edge of L, and denote the number of orientations of L ...
Wirsing (1974) showed, among other results, that if F_n(x) is the Gauss-Kuzmin distribution, then lim_(n->infty)(F_n(x)-lg(1+x))/((-lambda)^n)=Psi(x), (1) where ...
Consider an n×n (0, 1)-matrix such as [a_(11) a_(23) ; a_(22) a_(34); a_(21) a_(33) ; a_(32) a_(44); a_(31) a_(43) ; a_(42) a_(54); a_(41) a_(53) ; a_(52) a_(64)] (1) for ...
The 5.1.2 fifth-order Diophantine equation A^5=B^5+C^5 (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem with n=5, and so has no solution. improving on the results on Lander et ...
A coordinate system (mu,nu,psi) given by the coordinate transformation x = (mucospsi)/(mu^2+nu^2) (1) y = (musinpsi)/(mu^2+nu^2) (2) z = nu/(mu^2+nu^2) (3) and defined for ...
Consider the sum (1) where the x_js are nonnegative and the denominators are positive. Shapiro (1954) asked if f_n(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)>=1/2n (2) for all n. It turns out ...
Consider a second-order differential operator L^~u(x)=p_0(d^2u)/(dx^2)+p_1(du)/(dx)+p_2u, (1) where u=u(x) and p_i=p_i(x) are real functions of x on the region of interest ...
