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The Simson cubic is the triangle cubic that is the locus of tripoles of the Simson lines of a triangle DeltaABC. It has trilinear equation ...
The 12-faced convex deltahedra also known as the Siamese dodecahedron, which is also Johnson solid J_(84). It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The difference between the sum of the angles A, B, and C of a spherical triangle and pi radians (180 degrees), E=A+B+C-pi. The notation Delta is sometimes used for spherical ...
In particle physics, a spinor field of order 2s describes a particle of spin s, where s is an integer or half-integer. Therefore, a spinor of order 4s contains as much ...
The square root method is an algorithm which solves the matrix equation Au=g (1) for u, with A a p×p symmetric matrix and g a given vector. Convert A to a triangular matrix ...
The Stammler hyperbola of a triangle is the Feuerbach hyperbola of its tangential triangle, and its center is the focus of the Kiepert parabola, which is Kimberling center ...
The standard form of a line in the Cartesian plane is given by ax+by=c for real numbers a,b,c in R. This form can be derived from any of the other forms (point-slope form, ...
Stern's diatomic series is the sequence 1, 1,2, 1,3,2,3, 1,4,3,5,2,5,3,4, (1) ... (OEIS A002487) which arises in the Calkin-Wilf tree. It is sometimes also known as the fusc ...
A superegg is a solid described by the equation |sqrt((x^2+y^2)/(a^2))|^n+|z/b|^n=1. (1) The special case n=2 gives a spheroid. Special cases of volume V_n are given by V_1 = ...
The Thomson cubic Z(X_2) of a triangle DeltaABC is the locus the centers of circumconics whose normals at the vertices are concurrent. It is a self-isogonal cubic with pivot ...
