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2511 - 2520 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results
A horizontal line placed above multiple quantities to indicate that they form a unit. It is most commonly used to denote 1. A radical (sqrt(12345)), 2. Repeating decimals ...
Wilker's inequalities state that 2+(16)/(pi^4)x^3tanx<(sin^2x)/(x^2)+(tanx)/x<2+2/(45)x^3tanx for 0<x<pi/2, where the constants 2/45 and 16/pi^4 are the best possible ...
Let f be a family of meromorphic functions on the unit disk D which are not normal at 0. Then there exist sequences f_n in F, z_n, rho_n, and a nonconstant function f ...
If f is a function on an open set U, then the zero set of f is the set Z={z in U:f(z)=0}. A subset of a topological space X is called a zero set if it is equal to f^(-1)(0) ...
A series of the form sum_(k=1)^infty(-1)^(k+1)a_k (1) or sum_(k=1)^infty(-1)^ka_k, (2) where a_k>0. A series with positive terms can be converted to an alternating series ...
Given a number z, the cube root of z, denoted RadicalBox[z, 3] or z^(1/3) (z to the 1/3 power), is a number a such that a^3=z. The cube root is therefore an nth root with ...
A cyclic number is an (n-1)-digit integer that, when multiplied by 1, 2, 3, ..., n-1, produces the same digits in a different order. Cyclic numbers are generated by the full ...
Let f be a real-valued function defined on an interval [a,b] and let x_0 in (a,b). The four one-sided limits D^+f(x_0)=lim sup_(x->x_0+)(f(x)-f(x_0))/(x-x_0), (1) ...
Given an arithmetic progression of terms an+b, for n=1, 2, ..., the series contains an infinite number of primes if a and b are relatively prime, i.e., (a,b)=1. This result ...
The first practical algorithm for determining if there exist integers a_i for given real numbers x_i such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, or else establish bounds within ...
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