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1201 - 1210 of 3638 for Ordinary Differential Equation Systemwit...Search Results
An algebraic function is a function f(x) which satisfies p(x,f(x))=0, where p(x,y) is a polynomial in x and y with integer coefficients. Functions that can be constructed ...
If f(x) is piecewise continuous and has a generalized Fourier series sum_(i)a_iphi_i(x) (1) with weighting function w(x), it must be true that ...
A binary quadratic form is a quadratic form in two variables having the form Q(x,y)=ax^2+2bxy+cy^2, (1) commonly denoted <a,b,c>. Consider a binary quadratic form with real ...
Two elements alpha, beta of a field K, which is an extension field of a field F, are called conjugate (over F) if they are both algebraic over F and have the same minimal ...
A number which can be represented by a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, and finite square root extractions of integers. Such numbers ...
Given an affine variety V in the n-dimensional affine space K^n, where K is an algebraically closed field, the coordinate ring of V is the quotient ring ...
The operator partial^_ is defined on a complex manifold, and is called the 'del bar operator.' The exterior derivative d takes a function and yields a one-form. It decomposes ...
The ding-dong surface is the cubic surface of revolution given by the equation x^2+y^2=(1-z)z^2 (1) (Hauser 2003) that is closely related to the kiss surface. The surface can ...
Every polynomial equation having complex coefficients and degree >=1 has at least one complex root. This theorem was first proven by Gauss. It is equivalent to the statement ...
Define psi(x)={1 0<=x<1/2; -1 1/2<x<=1; 0 otherwise (1) and psi_(jk)(x)=psi(2^jx-k) (2) for j a nonnegative integer and 0<=k<=2^j-1. So, for example, the first few values of ...
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