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4181 - 4190 of 5121 for Odd/even/prime/composite/square numbersSearch Results
A decahedron is a polyhedron having 10 faces. Examples include the 5-trapezohedron, augmented pentagonal prism (Johnson solid J_(52)), augmented tridiminished icosahedron ...
A formal description of the constraints on the possible configurations of an experiment which is subject to given conditions. A design is sometimes called an experimental ...
A diagonal of a square matrix which is traversed in the "southeast" direction. "The" diagonal (or "main diagonal," or "principal diagonal," or "leading diagonal") of an n×n ...
Let F(n) be a family of partitions of n and let F(n,d) denote the set of partitions in F(n) with Durfee square of size d. The Durfee polynomial of F(n) is then defined as the ...
An n-gonal pyramid adjoined to the top of an n-gonal antiprism. In the 3-gonal gyroelongated pyramid, the pyramid and lateral antiprism are coplanar. However, the 4-gonal and ...
The term "ice fractal" refers to a fractal (square, triangle, etc.) that is based on a simple generating motif. The above plots show the ice triangle, antitriangle, square, ...
Every Möbius strip dissection of unequal squares can be glued along its edge to produce a dissection of the Klein bottle. There are no other ways to tile a Klein bottle with ...
A square integrable function phi(t) is said to be normal if int[phi(t)]^2dt=1. However, the normal distribution function is also sometimes called "the normal function."
Virtually nothing is known about dissection of a projective plane using unequal squares.
A diagonal of a square matrix which is traversed in the "northeast" direction. "The" skew diagonal (or "secondary diagonal") of an n×n square matrix is the skew diagonal from ...
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