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Hoffman (1998, p. 90) calls the sum of the exponents in the prime factorization of a number its roundness. The first few values for n=1, 2, ... are 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, ...
Mills' constant can be defined as the least theta such that f_n=|_theta^(3^n)_| is prime for all positive integers n (Caldwell and Cheng 2005). The first few f_n for n=1, 2, ...
Let p be an odd prime and F_n the cyclotomic field of p^(n+1)th roots of unity over the rational field. Now let p^(e(n)) be the power of p which divides the class number h_n ...
Let N be an odd integer, and assume there exists a Lucas sequence {U_n} with associated Sylvester cyclotomic numbers {Q_n} such that there is an n>sqrt(N) (with n and N ...
A number n satisfies the Carmichael condition iff (p-1)|(n/p-1) for all prime divisors p of n. This is equivalent to the condition (p-1)|(n-1) for all prime divisors p of n.
A nexus number is a figurate number built up of the nexus of cells less than n steps away from a given cell. The nth d-dimensional nexus number is given by N_d(n) = ...
The binomial transform takes the sequence a_0, a_1, a_2, ... to the sequence b_0, b_1, b_2, ... via the transformation b_n=sum_(k=0)^n(-1)^(n-k)(n; k)a_k. The inverse ...
Let p>3 be a prime number, then 4(x^p-y^p)/(x-y)=R^2(x,y)-(-1)^((p-1)/2)pS^2(x,y), where R(x,y) and S(x,y) are homogeneous polynomials in x and y with integer coefficients. ...
The product of primes p_n#=product_(k=1)^np_k, (1) with p_n the nth prime, is called the primorial function, by analogy with the factorial function. Its logarithm is closely ...
The triangular number T_n is a figurate number that can be represented in the form of a triangular grid of points where the first row contains a single element and each ...
