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2451 - 2460 of 5121 for Odd/even/prime/composite/square numbersSearch Results
An n-bridge knot is a knot with bridge number n. The set of 2-bridge knots is identical to the set of rational knots. If L is a 2-bridge knot, then the BLM/Ho polynomial Q ...
A (v,g)-cage graph is a v-regular graph of girth g having the minimum possible number of nodes. When v is not explicitly stated, the term "g-cage" generally refers to a ...
A dimension also called the fractal dimension, Hausdorff dimension, and Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension in which nonintegral values are permitted. Objects whose capacity ...
The clique polynomial C_G(x) for the graph G is defined as the polynomial C_G(x)=1+sum_(k=1)^(omega(G))c_kx^k, (1) where omega(G) is the clique number of G, the coefficient ...
A graph is called cordial if it is possible to label its vertices with 0s and 1s so that when the edges are labeled with the difference of the labels at their endpoints, the ...
Given a real number x, find the powers of a base b that will shift the digits of x a number of places n to the left. This is equivalent to solving b^x=b^nx (1) or x=n+log_bx. ...
The partial order width of a set P is equal to the minimum number of chains needed to cover P. Equivalently, if a set P of ab+1 elements is partially ordered, then P contains ...
The Dottie number is the name given by Kaplan (2007) to the unique real root of cosx=x (namely, the unique real fixed point of the cosine function), which is 0.739085... ...
A set of positive integers is double-free if, for any integer x, the set {x,2x} !subset= S (or equivalently, x in S implies 2x not in S). For example, of the subsets of ...
The essential supremum is the proper generalization to measurable functions of the maximum. The technical difference is that the values of a function on a set of measure zero ...
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