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The Epstein zeta function for a n×n matrix S of a positive definite real quadratic form and rho a complex variable with R[rho]>n/2 (where R[z] denotes the real part) is ...
The continuous Fourier transform is defined as f(nu) = F_t[f(t)](nu) (1) = int_(-infty)^inftyf(t)e^(-2piinut)dt. (2) Now consider generalization to the case of a discrete ...
A differential evolution method used to minimize functions of real variables. Evolution strategies are significantly faster at numerical optimization than traditional genetic ...
Skewness is a measure of the degree of asymmetry of a distribution. If the left tail (tail at small end of the distribution) is more pronounced than the right tail (tail at ...
A generalization of the p-adic norm first proposed by Kürschák in 1913. A valuation |·| on a field K is a function from K to the real numbers R such that the following ...
The boustrophedon ("ox-plowing") transform b of a sequence a is given by b_n = sum_(k=0)^(n)(n; k)a_kE_(n-k) (1) a_n = sum_(k=0)^(n)(-1)^(n-k)(n; k)b_kE_(n-k) (2) for n>=0, ...
The series sum_(k=1)^infty1/k (1) is called the harmonic series. It can be shown to diverge using the integral test by comparison with the function 1/x. The divergence, ...
The log-series distribution, also sometimes called the logarithmic distribution (although this work reserves that term for a distinct distribution), is the distribution of ...
A Riemann surface is a surface-like configuration that covers the complex plane with several, and in general infinitely many, "sheets." These sheets can have very complicated ...
If a sequence has the property that the block growth function B(n)=n+1 for all n, then it is said to have minimal block growth, and the sequence is called a Sturmian ...
