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The Hartley Transform is an integral transform which shares some features with the Fourier transform, but which, in the most common convention, multiplies the integral kernel ...
A heart-shaped surface given by the sextic equation (x^2+9/4y^2+z^2-1)^3-x^2z^3-9/(80)y^2z^3=0 (Taubin 1993, 1994). The figures above show a ray-traced rendering (left) and ...
The bound for the number of colors which are sufficient for map coloring on a surface of genus g, gamma(g)=|_1/2(7+sqrt(48g+1))_| is the best possible, where |_x_| is the ...
A minimal surface and double algebraic surface of 15th order and fifth class which can be given by parametric equations x(u,v) = 2sinhucosv-2/3sinh(3u)cos(3v) (1) y(u,v) = ...
A Hilbert space is a vector space H with an inner product <f,g> such that the norm defined by |f|=sqrt(<f,f>) turns H into a complete metric space. If the metric defined by ...
There are (at least) two graphs associated with Horton, illustrated above. The first is a graph on 96 nodes providing a counterexample to the Tutte conjecture that every ...
A generalized hypergeometric function _pF_q(a_1,...,a_p;b_1,...,b_q;x) is a function which can be defined in the form of a hypergeometric series, i.e., a series for which the ...
The icosahedral group I_h is the group of symmetries of the icosahedron and dodecahedron having order 120, equivalent to the group direct product A_5×Z_2 of the alternating ...
Integration by parts is a technique for performing indefinite integration intudv or definite integration int_a^budv by expanding the differential of a product of functions ...
The Jordan matrix decomposition is the decomposition of a square matrix M into the form M=SJS^(-1), (1) where M and J are similar matrices, J is a matrix of Jordan canonical ...
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