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Tomography is the study of the reconstruction of two- and three-dimensional objects from one-dimensional slices. The Radon transform is an important tool in tomography. ...
A system of curvilinear coordinates for which several different notations are commonly used. In this work (u,v,phi) is used, whereas Arfken (1970) uses (xi,eta,phi) and Moon ...
Toroidal functions are a class of functions also called ring functions that appear in systems having toroidal symmetry. Toroidal functions can be expressed in terms of the ...
Informally, a function f:{0,1}^(l(n))×{0,1}^n->{0,1}^(m(n)) is a trapdoor one-way function if 1. It is a one-way function, and 2. For fixed public key y in {0,1}^(l(n)), ...
Every convex body B in the Euclidean plane with area A can be inscribed in a triangle of area at most equal to 2A (Gross 1918, Eggleston 1957). The worst possible fit ...
The triangle function is the function Lambda(x) = {0 |x|>=1; 1-|x| |x|<1 (1) = Pi(x)*Pi(x) (2) = Pi(x)*H(x+1/2)-Pi(x)*H(x-1/2), (3) where Pi(x) is the rectangle function, ...
A truth table is a two-dimensional array with n+1 columns. The first n columns correspond to the possible values of n inputs, and the last column to the operation being ...
A "pointwise-bounded" family of continuous linear operators from a Banach space to a normed space is "uniformly bounded." Symbolically, if sup||T_i(x)|| is finite for each x ...
The theory of point sets and sequences having a uniform distribution. Uniform distribution theory is important in modeling and simulation, and especially in so-called Monte ...
In predicate calculus, a universal formula is a prenex normal form formula (i.e., a formula written as a string of quantifiers and bound variables followed by a ...
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