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Bracewell's term for the rectangle function.
_2F_1(-1/2,-1/2;1;h^2) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)(1/2; n)^2h^(2n) (1) = 1+1/4h^2+1/(64)h^4+1/(256)h^6+... (2) (OEIS A056981 and A056982), where _2F_1(a,b;c;x) is a hypergeometric ...
If x is a regular patch on a regular surface in R^3 with normal N^^, then x_(uu) = Gamma_(11)^1x_u+Gamma_(11)^2x_v+eN^^ (1) x_(uv) = Gamma_(12)^1x_u+Gamma_(12)^2x_v+fN^^ (2) ...
The standard Gauss measure of a finite dimensional real Hilbert space H with norm ||·||_H has the Borel measure mu_H(dh)=(sqrt(2pi))^(-dim(H))exp(1/2||h||_H^2)lambda_H(dh), ...
The Machin-like formula 1/4pi=12cot^(-1)18+8cot^(-1)57-5cot^(-1)239.
For even h, (1) (Nagell 1951, p. 176). Writing out symbolically, sum_(n=0)^h((-1)^nproduct_(k=0)^(n-1)(1-x^(h-k)))/(product_(k=1)^(n)(1-x^k))=product_(k=0)^(h/2-1)1-x^(2k+1), ...
The zeros of the derivative P^'(z) of a polynomial P(z) that are not multiple zeros of P(z) are the positions of equilibrium in the field of force due to unit particles ...
The generalized Riemann hypothesis conjectures that neither the Riemann zeta function nor any Dirichlet L-series has a zero with real part larger than 1/2. Compare with ...
A cylindrical algebraic decomposition that omits sets of measure zero. Generic cylindrical algebraic decompositions are generally much quicker to compute than are normal ...
For a unit speed curve on a surface, the length of the surface-tangential component of acceleration is the geodesic curvature kappa_g. Curves with kappa_g=0 are called ...
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