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A planted plane tree (V,E,v,alpha) is defined as a vertex set V, edges set E, root v, and order relation alpha on V which satisfies 1. For x,y in V if rho(x)<rho(y), then ...
A planted tree is a rooted tree whose root vertex has vertex degree 1. The number of planted trees of n nodes is T_(n-1), where T_(n-1) is the number of rooted trees of n-1 ...
A plesiohedron is the Voronoi cell of a so-called symmetric Delone set. Plesiohedra are space-filling polyhedra which have special symmetries that take any copy of the ...
A group theoretic operation which is useful in the study of complex atomic spectra. A plethysm takes a set of functions of a given symmetry type {mu} and forms from them ...
Given a set of ordered quantities, a list of the fractions of values at or below each quantity is know as a plotting position. A quantile-quantile plot compares observed ...
The 60 Pascal lines of a hexagon inscribed in a conic section intersect three at a time through 20 Steiner points. There is a dual relationship between the 15 Plücker lines ...
Relationships between the number of singularities of plane algebraic curves. Given a plane curve, m = n(n-1)-2delta-3kappa (1) n = m(m-1)-2tau-3iota (2) iota = ...
Pogson's ratio is the constant 100^(1/5)=10^(2/5)=2.511886431... (OEIS A189824) appearing in the definition of the astronomical magnitude (brightness) scale. This scale is ...
The principal theorem of axonometry, first published without proof by Pohlke in 1860. It states that three segments of arbitrary length a^'x^', a^'y^', and a^'z^' which are ...
The equation of a line ax+by+c=0 in slope-intercept form is given by y=-a/bx-c/b, (1) so the line has slope -a/b. Now consider the distance from a point (x_0,y_0) to the ...
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