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Let C be an error-correcting code consisting of N codewords,in which each codeword consists of n letters taken from an alphabet A of length q, and every two distinct ...
The graph complement of a perfect graph is itself perfect. Originally known as the weak perfect graph conjecture (Fulkerson 1971), the result was subsequently proved by ...
A group that coincides with its commutator subgroup. If G is a non-Abelian group, its commutator subgroup is a normal subgroup other than the trivial group. It follows that ...
A perfect ruler also called a complete ruler, is type of ruler considered by Guy (1994) which has k distinct marks spaced such that the distances between marks can be used to ...
If G is a weighted tree with weights w_i>1 assigned to each vertex v_i, then G is perfectly weighted if the matrix M_G=[w_1 0 ... 0; 0 w_2 ... 0; | ... ... |; 0 0 ... ...
The Perko pair is the pair of knots 10_(161) and 10_(162) illustrated above. For many years, they were listed as separate knots in Little (1885) and all similar tables, ...
Let p={a_1,a_2,...,a_n} be a permutation. Then i is a permutation ascent if a_i<a_(i+1). For example, the permutation {1,2,3,4} is composed of three ascents, namely {1,2}, ...
For a permutation alpha in the symmetric group S_p, the alpha-permutation graph of a labeled graph G is the graph union of two disjoint copies of G (say, G_1 and G_2), ...
Two lines, vectors, planes, etc., are said to be perpendicular if they meet at a right angle. In R^n, two vectors a and b are perpendicular if their dot product a·b=0. (1) In ...
The perpendicular bisector of a line segment is the locus of all points that are equidistant from its endpoints. This theorem can be applied to determine the center of a ...
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