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The Longuet-Higgins point is the radical center of the circles centered at the vertices A, B, and C of a reference triangle with respective radii b+c, c+a, and a+b. It has ...
The term "loop" has a number of meanings in mathematics. Most simply, a loop is a closed curve whose initial and final points coincide in a fixed point p known as the ...
Let Y^X be the set of continuous mappings f:X->Y. Then the topological space Y^X supplied with the compact-open topology is called a mapping space, and if X=I is taken as the ...
The Lorentz group is the group L of time-preserving linear isometries of Minkowski space R^((3,1)) with the Minkowski metric dtau^2=-(dx^0)^2+(dx^1)^2+(dx^2)^2+(dx^3)^2 ...
The Lorenz asymmetry coefficient is a summary statistic of the Lorenz curve that measures the degree of asymmetry of a Lorenz curve. The Lorenz asymmetry coefficient is ...
11 11 1 11 2 2 11 2 4 2 11 3 6 6 3 11 3 9 10 9 3 11 4 12 19 19 12 4 11 4 16 28 38 28 16 4 11 5 20 44 66 66 44 20 5 11 5 25 60 110 126 110 60 25 5 1 (1) Losanitsch's triangle ...
The problem of finding the strategy to guarantee reaching the boundary of a given region ("forest") in the shortest distance (i.e., a strategy having the best worst-case ...
Low-dimensional topology usually deals with objects that are two-, three-, or four-dimensional in nature. Properly speaking, low-dimensional topology should be part of ...
A path, also known as a rhumb line, which cuts a meridian on a given surface at any constant angle but a right angle. If the surface is a sphere, the loxodrome is a spherical ...
A Lucas chain for an integer n>=1 is an increasing sequence 1=a_0<a_1<a_2<...<a_r=n of integers such that every a_k, k>=1, can be written as a sum a_k=a_i+a_j of smaller ...
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