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A function f is Carathéodory differentiable at a if there exists a function phi which is continuous at a such that f(x)-f(a)=phi(x)(x-a). Every function which is Carathéodory ...
The system of partial differential equations u_t+u_x = v^2-u^2 (1) v_t-v_x = u^2-v^2. (2)
The function given by CK_n(x)=cos(nxcos^(-1)x), where n is an integer and -1<x<1.
The radius of convergence of the Taylor series a_0+a_1z+a_2z^2+... is r=1/(lim_(n->infty)^_(|a_n|)^(1/n)).
product_(k=1)^(n)(1+yq^k) = sum_(m=0)^(n)y^mq^(m(m+1)/2)[n; m]_q (1) = sum_(m=0)^(n)y^mq^(m(m+1)/2)((q)_n)/((q)_m(q)_(n-m)), (2) where [n; m]_q is a q-binomial coefficient.
If f(x,y) is an analytic function in a neighborhood of the point (x_0,y_0) (i.e., it can be expanded in a series of nonnegative integer powers of (x-x_0) and (y-y_0)), find a ...
The Cauchy product of two sequences f(n) and g(n) defined for nonnegative integers n is defined by (f degreesg)(n)=sum_(k=0)^nf(k)g(n-k).
The definite integral int_a^bx^ndx={(b^(n+1)-a^(n+1))/(n+1) for n!=1; ln(b/a) for n=-1, (1) where a, b, and x are real numbers and lnx is the natural logarithm.
If (1-z)^(a+b-c)_2F_1(2a,2b;2c;z)=sum_(n=0)^inftya_nz^n, then where (a)_n is a Pochhammer symbol and _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is a hypergeometric function.
The partial differential equation u_(xx)+(y^2)/(1-(y^2)/(c^2))u_(yy)+yu_y=0.
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