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If a function phi:(0,infty)->(0,infty) satisfies 1. ln[phi(x)] is convex, 2. phi(x+1)=xphi(x) for all x>0, and 3. phi(1)=1, then phi(x) is the gamma function Gamma(x). ...
Given the functional (1) find in a class of arcs satisfying p differential and q finite equations phi_alpha(y_1,...,y_n;y_1^',...,y_n^')=0 for alpha=1,...,p ...
For homogeneous polynomials P and Q of degree m and n, then sqrt((m!n!)/((m+n)!))[P]_2[Q]_2<=[P·Q]_2<=[P]_2[Q]_2, where [P·Q]_2 is the Bombieri norm.
The system of partial differential equations u_t = b·v_x (1) b_(xt) = u_(xx)b+axv_x-2vx(vxb). (2)
The partial differential equation (1-u_t^2)u_(xx)+2u_xu_tu_(xt)-(1+u_x^2)u_(tt)=0.
Every continuous map f:S^n->R^n must identify a pair of antipodal points.
A distribution which arises in the study of integer spin particles in physics, P(k)=(k^s)/(e^(k-mu)-1). (1) Its integral is given by int_0^infty(k^sdk)/(e^(k-mu)-1) = ...
The function Pi_(a,b)(x)=H(x-a)-H(x-b) which is equal to 1 for a<=x<=b and 0 otherwise. Here H(x) is the Heaviside step function. The special case Pi_(-1/2,1/2)(x) gives the ...
Let where (alpha)_j is a Pochhammer symbol, and let alpha be a negative integer. Then S(alpha,beta,m;z)=(Gamma(beta+1-m))/(Gamma(alpha+beta+1-m)), where Gamma(z) is the gamma ...
Let beta=detB=x^2-ty^2, (1) where B is the Brahmagupta matrix, then det[B(x_1,y_1) B(x_2,y_2)] = det[B(x_1,y_1)]det[B(x_2,y_2)] (2) = beta_1beta_2]. (3)
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