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The partial differential equation u_(tt)-u_(xx)=epsilon(u_t-u_t^3).
A function possessing a single period in the complex plane is said to be singly periodic, of often simply periodic. Singly periodic functions include the trigonometric ...
A surface harmonic of degree l which is premultiplied by a factor r^l. Confusingly, solid harmonics are also known as "spherical harmonics" (Whittaker and Watson 1990, p. ...
The m+1 ellipsoidal harmonics when kappa_1, kappa_2, and kappa_3 are given can be arranged in such a way that the rth function has r-1 zeros between -a^2 and -b^2 and the ...
Any linear combination of real spherical harmonics A_lP_l(costheta)+sum_(m=1)^l[A_l^mcos(mphi)+B_l^msin(mphi)]P_l^m(costheta) for l fixed whose sum is not premultiplied by a ...
In nonstandard analysis, the transfer principle is the technical form of the following intuitive idea: "Anything provable about a given superstructure V by passing to a ...
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The letter O is used for a number of different purposes in mathematics. The double-struck O is sometimes used to represent octonions. The symbols O(x) (sometimes called the ...
A q-analog of the beta function B(a,b) = int_0^1t^(a-1)(1-t)^(b-1)dt (1) = (Gamma(a)Gamma(b))/(Gamma(a+b)), (2) where Gamma(z) is a gamma function, is given by B_q(a,b) = ...
_2phi_1(a,q^(-n);c;q,q)=(a^n(c/a,q)_n)/((a;q)_n), where _2phi_1(a,b;c;q,z) is a q-hypergeometric function.
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