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All lengths can be expressed as real numbers.
x^(2n)+1=[x^2-2xcos(pi/(2n))+1] ×[x^2-2xcos((3pi)/(2n))+1]×...× ×[x^2-2xcos(((2n-1)pi)/(2n))+1].
K=(dT)/(ds), where T is the tangent vector defined by T=((dx)/(ds))/(|(dx)/(ds)|).
A series s_1,s_2,... for which s_1>=s_2>=....
A metric g_(ij) which is zero for i!=j.
If g is continuous and mu,nu>0, then int_0^t(t-xi)^(mu-1)dxiint_0^xi(xi-x)^(nu-1)g(xi,x)dx =int_0^tdxint_x^t(t-xi)^(mu-1)(xi-x)^(nu-1)g(xi,x)dxi.
Let |sum_(n=1)^pa_n|<K, (1) where K is independent of p. Then if f_n>=f_(n+1)>0 and lim_(n->infty)f_n=0, (2) it follows that sum_(n=1)^inftya_nf_n (3) converges.
Not continuous. A point at which a function is discontinuous is called a discontinuity, or sometimes a jump.
If lim_(k->infty)u_k!=0, then the series {u_n} diverges.
A divergent sequence is a sequence that is not convergent.
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