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(e^(ypsi_0(x))Gamma(x))/(Gamma(x+y))=product_(n=0)^infty(1+y/(n+x))e^(-y/(n+x)), where psi_0(x) is the digamma function and Gamma(x) is the gamma function.
A tensor having contravariant and covariant indices.
If lim_(z->z_0)(f(z)-f(z_0))/(z-z_0) is the same for all paths in the complex plane, then f(z) is said to be monogenic at z_0. Monogenic therefore essentially means having a ...
A multidimensional polylogarithm is a generalization of the usual polylogarithm to L_(a_1,...,a_m)(z)=sum_(n_1>...>n_m>0)(z^(n_1))/(n_1^(a_1)...n_m^(a_m)) with positive ...
The negative real axis is the portion of the real axis with x<0.
An analytic refinement of results from complex analysis such as those codified by Picard's little theorem, Picard's great theorem, and the Weierstrass-Casorati theorem.
Let gamma be a path in C, w=f(z), and theta and phi be the tangents to the curves gamma and f(gamma) at z_0 and w_0. If there is an N such that f^((N))(z_0) != 0 (1) ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra, then an element a in A is called normal if aa^*=a^*a.
A function f(n) has the normal order F(n) if f(n) is approximately F(n) for almost all values of n. More precisely, if (1-epsilon)F(n)<f(n)<(1+epsilon)F(n) for every positive ...
g_(ij)=[0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 -1; 0 0 -1 0]. It can be expressed as g_(ab)=l_an_b+l_bn_a-m_am^__b-m_bm^__a.
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