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A function whose value decreases to zero more slowly than any nonzero polynomial is said to be a logarithmically decreasing function. The prototypical example is the function ...
A function whose value increases more slowly to infinity than any nonconstant polynomial is said to be a logarithmically increasing function. The prototypical example is the ...
The two integrals involving Bessel functions of the first kind given by (alpha^2-beta^2)intxJ_n(alphax)J_n(betax)dx ...
A Lorentz tensor is any quantity which transforms like a tensor under the homogeneous Lorentz transformation.
A function f is said to have a lower bound c if c<=f(x) for all x in its domain. The greatest lower bound is called the infimum.
The unit lower half-disk is the portion of the complex plane satisfying {|z|<=1,I[z]<0}.
The portion of the complex plane {x+iy:x,y in (-infty,infty)} satisfying y=I[z]<0, i.e., {x+iy:x in (-infty,infty),y in (-infty,0)}
Expresses a function in terms of its Radon transform, f(x,y) = R^(-1)(Rf)(x,y) (1) = ...
Let a function h:U->R be continuous on an open set U subset= C. Then h is said to have the epsilon_(z_0)-property if, for each z_0 in U, there exists an epsilon_(z_0)>0 such ...
P_n(cosalpha)=(sqrt(2))/piint_0^alpha(cos[(n+1/2)phi])/(sqrt(cosphi-cosalpha))dphi, where P_n(x) is a Legendre polynomial.
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