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Two complex numbers z=x+iy and z^'=x^'+iy^' are added together componentwise, z+z^'=(x+x^')+i(y+y^'). In component form, (x,y)+(x^',y^')=(x+x^',y+y^') (Krantz 1999, p. 1).
A derivative of a complex function, which must satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations in order to be complex differentiable.
The division of two complex numbers can be accomplished by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator, for example, with z_1=a+bi ...
The difference of two complex numbers z=x+iy and z^'=x^'+iy^' is given by z-z^'=(x-x^')+i(y-y^'). In component form, (x,y)-(x^',y^')=(x-x^',y-y^').
The space of continuously differentiable functions is denoted C^1, and corresponds to the k=1 case of a C-k function.
Contracting tensors lambda with nu in the Bianchi identities R_(lambdamunukappa;eta)+R_(lambdamuetanu;kappa)+R_(lambdamukappaeta;nu)=0 (1) gives ...
The word differential has several related meaning in mathematics. In the most common context, it means "related to derivatives." So, for example, the portion of calculus ...
If (f,U) and (g,V) are functions elements, then (g,V) is a direct analytic continuation of (f,U) if U intersection V!=emptyset and f and g are equal on U intersection V.
Let h be a real-valued harmonic function on a bounded domain Omega, then the Dirichlet energy is defined as int_Omega|del h|^2dx, where del is the gradient.
A tensor t is said to satisfy the double contraction relation when t_(ij)^m^_t_(ij)^n=delta_(mn). (1) This equation is satisfied by t^^^0 = (2z^^z^^-x^^x^^-y^^y^^)/(sqrt(6)) ...
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