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A symmetry of a knot K is a homeomorphism of R^3 which maps K onto itself. More succinctly, a knot symmetry is a homeomorphism of the pair of spaces (R^3,K). Hoste et al. ...
Kontsevich's integral is a far-reaching generalization of the Gauss integral for the linking number, and provides a tool to construct the universal Vassiliev invariant of a ...
A line graph L(G) (also called an adjoint, conjugate, covering, derivative, derived, edge, edge-to-vertex dual, interchange, representative, or theta-obrazom graph) of a ...
The Lucas numbers are the sequence of integers {L_n}_(n=1)^infty defined by the linear recurrence equation L_n=L_(n-1)+L_(n-2) (1) with L_1=1 and L_2=3. The nth Lucas number ...
The M_(22) graph, also known as the 77-graph, is a strongly regular graph on 77 nodes related to the Mathieu group M_(22) and to the Witt design. It is illustrated above in ...
The term Mandelbrot set is used to refer both to a general class of fractal sets and to a particular instance of such a set. In general, a Mandelbrot set marks the set of ...
A matchstick graph is a simple graph which has a graph embedding that is planar, for which all distances between vertices have unit distance, and which is non-degenerate (so ...
The McLaughlin graph is a 112-regular graph on 275 nodes and 15400 edges that can be constructed from the Witt design. It is distance-regular with intersection array ...
A modulo multiplication group is a finite group M_m of residue classes prime to m under multiplication mod m. M_m is Abelian of group order phi(m), where phi(m) is the ...
The Möbius-Kantor graph is the unique cubic symmetric graph on 16 nodes, illustrated above in several embeddings. Its unique canonical LCF notation is [5,-5]^8. The ...
