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Given a circle expressed in trilinear coordinates by a central circle is a circle such that l:m:n is a triangle center and k is a homogeneous function that is symmetric in ...
The chromatic invariant theta(G) of a connected graph G is the number of spanning trees of G that have internal activity 1 and external activity 0. For graphs other than the ...
The chromatic polynomial pi_G(z) of an undirected graph G, also denoted C(G;z) (Biggs 1973, p. 106) and P(G,x) (Godsil and Royle 2001, p. 358), is a polynomial which encodes ...
A circle is the set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a given point O. The distance r from the center is called the radius, and the point O is called the center. ...
A circulant graph is a graph of n graph vertices in which the ith graph vertex is adjacent to the (i+j)th and (i-j)th graph vertices for each j in a list l. The circulant ...
The circumcircle is a triangle's circumscribed circle, i.e., the unique circle that passes through each of the triangle's three vertices. The center O of the circumcircle is ...
The Clebsch graph, also known as the Greenwood-Gleason graph (Read and Wilson, 1998, p. 284) and illustrated above in a number of embeddings, is a strongly regular quintic ...
The cocktail party graph of order n, also called the hyperoctahedral graph (Biggs 1993, p. 17), n-octahedron graph O_n (Jungerman and Ringel 1978), matching graph (Arvind et ...
The conic sections are the nondegenerate curves generated by the intersections of a plane with one or two nappes of a cone. For a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cone, ...
Scan the decimal expansion of a constant (including any digits to the left of the decimal point) until all n-digit strings have been seen (including 0-padded strings). The ...
