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A problem in the calculus of variations. Let a vessel traveling at constant speed c navigate on a body of water having surface velocity u = u(x,y) (1) v = v(x,y). (2) The ...
The series which arises in the binomial theorem for negative integer -n, (x+a)^(-n) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)(-n; k)x^ka^(-n-k) (1) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)(-1)^k(n+k-1; k)x^ka^(-n-k) ...
Let f:R->R, then the negative part of f is the function f^-:R->R defined by f^-(x)=max(-f(x),0). Note that the negative part is itself a nonnegative function. The negative ...
A composition of a function f degreesf with itself gives a nested function f(f(x)), f degreesf degreesf which gives f(f(f(x)), etc. Function nesting is implemented in the ...
Partial differential equation boundary conditions which give the normal derivative on a surface.
The second-order ordinary differential equation satisfied by the Neumann polynomials O_n(x).
Let S_N(s)=sum_(n=1)^infty[(n^(1/N))]^(-s), (1) where [x] denotes nearest integer function, i.e., the integer closest to x. For s>3, S_2(s) = 2zeta(s-1) (2) S_3(s) = ...
A function f(x) is said to be nondecreasing on an interval I if f(b)>=f(a) for all b>a, where a,b in I. Conversely, a function f(x) is said to be nonincreasing on an interval ...
A function f(x) is said to be nonincreasing on an interval I if f(b)<=f(a) for all b>a, where a,b in I. Conversely, a function f(x) is said to be nondecreasing on an interval ...
A time series x_1, x_2, ... is nonstationary if, for some m, the joint probability distribution of x_i, x_(i+1), ..., x_(i+m-1) is dependent on the time index i.
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