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For a two-dimensional map with sigma_2>sigma_1, d_(Lya)=1-(sigma_1)/(sigma_2), where sigma_n are the Lyapunov characteristic exponents.
If f(x) is positive and decreases to 0, then an Euler constant gamma_f=lim_(n->infty)[sum_(k=1)^nf(k)-int_1^nf(x)dx] can be defined. For example, if f(x)=1/x, then ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation y^('')-[(m(m+1)+1/4-(m+1/2)cosx)/(sin^2x)+(lambda+1/2)]y=0.
Polynomials s_n(x) which form the Sheffer sequence for f^(-1)(t)=1+t-e^t, (1) where f^(-1)(t) is the inverse function of f(t), and have generating function ...
An infinite-dimensional differential calculus on the Wiener space, also called stochastic calculus of variations.
The ordinary differential equation y^('')+r/zy^'=(Az^m+s/(z^2))y. (1) It has solution y=c_1I_(-nu)((2sqrt(A)z^(m/2+1))/(m+2))z^((1-r)/2) ...
The integral representation of ln[Gamma(z)] by lnGamma(z) = int_1^zpsi_0(z^')dz^' (1) = int_0^infty[(z-1)-(1-e^(-(z-1)t))/(1-e^(-t))](e^(-t))/tdt, (2) where lnGamma(z) is the ...
Mann's iteration is the dynamical system defined for a continuous function f:[0,1]->[0,1], x_n=1/nsum_(k=0)^(n-1)f(x_k) with x_0 in [0,1]. It can also be written ...
An n-cycle is a finite sequence of points Y_0, ..., Y_(n-1) such that, under a map G, Y_1 = G(Y_0) (1) Y_2 = G(Y_1) (2) Y_(n-1) = G(Y_(n-2)) (3) Y_0 = G(Y_(n-1)). (4) In ...
A stable fixed point of a map which, in a dissipative dynamical system, is an attractor.
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