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Little-omega notation is the inverse of the Landau symbol o, i.e., f(n) in o(phi(n)) <==> phi(n) in omega(f(n)).
The name Lobachevsky's function is sometimes given to the function Lambda(theta)=1/2Cl_2(2theta), also denoted Pi(theta), where Cl_2(x) is Clausen's integral.
A local extremum, also called a relative extremum, is a local minimum or local maximum.
A local maximum, also called a relative maximum, is a maximum within some neighborhood that need not be (but may be) a global maximum.
A local minimum, also called a relative minimum, is a minimum within some neighborhood that need not be (but may be) a global minimum.
A function is called locally integrable if, around every point in the domain, there is a neighborhood on which the function is integrable. The space of locally integrable ...
The ordinary differential equation y^'=-y(1+kappa(x)y)/(1-kappa(x)y).
A coefficient of the Maclaurin series of 1/(ln(1+x))=1/x+1/2-1/(12)x+1/(24)x^2-(19)/(720)x^3+3/(160)x^4+... (OEIS A002206 and A002207), the multiplicative inverse of the ...
A logarithmic singularity is a singularity of an analytic function whose main z-dependent term is of order O(lnz). An example is the singularity of the Bessel function of the ...
A function f(x) is logarithmically concave on the interval [a,b] if f>0 and lnf(x) is concave on [a,b]. The definition can also be extended to R^k->(0,infty) functions ...
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