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A short theorem used in proving a larger theorem. Related concepts are the axiom, porism, postulate, principle, and theorem. The late mathematician P. Erdős has often been ...
Let s=1/(sqrt(2pi))[Gamma(1/4)]^2=5.2441151086... (1) (OEIS A064853) be the arc length of a lemniscate with a=1. Then the lemniscate constant is the quantity L = 1/2s (2) = ...
The Lemoine axis is the perspectrix of a reference triangle and its tangential triangle, and also the trilinear polar of the symmedian point K of the reference triangle. It ...
A (general, asymmetric) lens is a lamina formed by the intersection of two offset disks of unequal radii such that the intersection is not empty, one disk does not completely ...
Let (P,B) denote a configuration with v points P={p_1,...,p_v} and b lines ("blocks") B=(B_1,...,B_b). Then the Levi graph L(P,B), also called the incidence graph, of a ...
The paradox of a man who states "I am lying." If he is lying, then he is telling the truth, and vice versa. Another version of this paradox is the Epimenides paradox. Such ...
A nonassociative algebra obeyed by objects such as the Lie bracket and Poisson bracket. Elements f, g, and h of a Lie algebra satisfy [f,f]=0 (1) [f+g,h]=[f,h]+[g,h], (2) and ...
A Lie group is a smooth manifold obeying the group properties and that satisfies the additional condition that the group operations are differentiable. This definition is ...
Let L denote the n×n square lattice with wraparound. Call an orientation of L an assignment of a direction to each edge of L, and denote the number of orientations of L such ...
A sufficient condition on the Lindeberg-Feller central limit theorem. Given random variates X_1, X_2, ..., let <X_i>=0, the variance sigma_i^2 of X_i be finite, and variance ...
