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If X_i for i=1, ..., m has a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector mu=0 and covariance matrix Sigma, and X denotes the m×p matrix composed of the row vectors X_i, ...
For a connection A and a positive spinor phi in Gamma(V_+), Witten's equations (also called the Seiberg-Witten invariants) are given by D_Aphi = 0 (1) F_+^A = ...
A single axiom that is satisfied only by NAND or NOR must be of the form "something equals a," since otherwise constant functions would satisfy the equation. With up to six ...
A prize of 100000 German marks offered for the first valid proof of Fermat's last theorem (Ball and Coxeter 1987, p. 72; Barner 1997; Hoffman 1998, pp. 193-194 and 199). The ...
A prime p is called a Wolstenholme prime if the central binomial coefficient (2p; p)=2 (mod p^4), (1) or equivalently if B_(p-3)=0 (mod p), (2) where B_n is the nth Bernoulli ...
A Woodall number is a number of the form W_n=2^nn-1. Woodall numbers are therefore similar to Mersenne numbers 2^n-1 but with an additional factor of n multiplying the power ...
Let the values of a function f(x) be tabulated at points x_i equally spaced by h=x_(i+1)-x_i, so f_1=f(x_1), f_2=f(x_2), ..., f_n=f(x_n). Then Woolhouse's formulas ...
An integer sequence whose terms are defined in terms of number-related words in some language. For example, the following table gives the sequences of numbers having digits ...
x^n=sum_(k=0)^n<n; k>(x+k; n), where <n; k> is an Eulerian number and (n; k) is a binomial coefficient (Worpitzky 1883; Comtet 1974, p. 242).
The Wronskian of a set of n functions phi_1, phi_2, ... is defined by W(phi_1,...,phi_n)=|phi_1 phi_2 ... phi_n; phi_1^' phi_2^' ... phi_n^'; | | ... |; phi_1^((n-1)) ...
