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Successive application of Archimedes' recurrence formula gives the Archimedes algorithm, which can be used to provide successive approximations to pi (pi). The algorithm is ...
The bicorn, sometimes also called the "cocked hat curve" (Cundy and Rollett 1989, p. 72), is the name of a collection of quartic curves studied by Sylvester in 1864 and ...
The Brent-Salamin formula, also called the Gauss-Salamin formula or Salamin formula, is a formula that uses the arithmetic-geometric mean to compute pi. It has quadratic ...
According to Pólya, the Cartesian pattern is the resolution method for arithmetical or geometrical problems based on equations. The first step is to translate the question ...
The central beta function is defined by beta(p)=B(p,p), (1) where B(p,q) is the beta function. It satisfies the identities beta(p) = 2^(1-2p)B(p,1/2) (2) = ...
Chió pivotal condensation is a method for evaluating an n×n determinant in terms of (n-1)×(n-1) determinants. It also leads to some remarkable determinant identities (Eves ...
Given a symmetric positive definite matrix A, the Cholesky decomposition is an upper triangular matrix U with strictly positive diagonal entries such that A=U^(T)U. Cholesky ...
A completely monotonic function is a function f(x) such that (-1)^(-n)f^((n))(x)>=0 for n=0, 1, 2, .... Such functions occur in areas such as probability theory (Feller ...
y approx m+sigmaw, (1) where w = (2) where h_1(x) = 1/6He_2(x) (3) h_2(x) = 1/(24)He_3(x) (4) h_(11)(x) = -1/(36)[2He_3(x)+He_1(x)] (5) h_3(x) = 1/(120)He_4(x) (6) h_(12)(x) ...
Correlation is the degree to which two or more quantities are linearly associated. In a two-dimensional plot, the degree of correlation between the values on the two axes is ...